It’s the little things

I’ve been in a funk lately. No reason, really. I think it’s just the way I’m built with storm clouds inside.

During this period of general moodiness, W and I have cleaned up our diet, eliminating almost all processed foods and loading up on fruits and vegetables.


From today’s grocery shopping trip.

I’ve been experimenting with new foods — chia seeds, flax seeds, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, homemade smoothies and juices. I’ve been trying out new recipes, too. I made broccoli tots, and they were delicious. Napoleon Dynamite’s got nothing on us. I found a recipe for three-ingredient pancakes (3 eggs, 1/2 C cottage cheese, 1/2 C oatmeal) that keeps me full all morning long.


These tots are tops.

It’s weird, this taking-care-of-me thing. I find myself slowing down and enjoying the little things: a banana with a tablespoon of almond butter, a perfect apple, a bottle of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.


Protein-packed pancakes with banana and Trader Joe’s almond butter.

But it extends beyond food. This weekend, I bought some socks off the clearance rack, and I found myself appreciating the bargain as well as the simple pleasure that comes from owning a pair of warm, comfortable socks. I am growing basil inside the house in a small container. Every morning, I smile as I check on the new green shoots as they crack through the soil in search of sunlight.


A pair of my new socks: awesomeness you can wear on your feet.

These little things give me the boost I need to move forward.

I had an eye exam and am waiting for new glasses.

I called the gynecologist today to schedule an overdue annual exam.

I tell myself I am worth it. Sometimes I believe this more than other times.

Scary things like doctor appointments start with a small step — a phone call.

I call and schedule and wait.

In the meantime, I savor the small things: a new notebook, a warm sweatshirt on a cold day, the comfort of a favorite flannel shirt, a hot cup of tea, a good book, a cat in my lap …

* * *

What about you? What little things bring you joy?

16 responses to “It’s the little things

  1. Beautiful…I have been in dust-cloud-of spirit lately. I try to remember to appreciate the simple things. Today I spent time with good friends, and that is a simple thing that I cannot live without, and it provides so much joy and meaning.

    • Thanks much. Maybe it’s the time of year.

      Yes, good friends certainly make the list. I went to my writers’ group this morning and that helped put me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

  2. “It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all. ” – Laura Ingalls Wilder

    Little things that make me smile?
    My morning green drink, watching the birds at the backyard feeders, the spring grass blowing in the wind, the colors of clean-eating foods on my plate, and oh so very very very many more. Thanks for reminding me, Rae.

  3. JFulbright7987

    Love the socks!

  4. Goofing around with my kids, snuggling on the couch with my husband in the evenings, writing with my favorite pen, the feel of my fingers flying over the keyboard as I write, being amused by something I wrote, watching clouds pass by or a thunderstorm kick up, striking up a conversation with a stranger (this is a new one for me being that I’m an introvert) and being in the presence of inspiring people…like you.

    I can feel the forward momentum your life has taken and it reminds me of the changes I need to make in my own life, especially when it comes to procrastinating. It’s a bad habit and in my avoidance of the things I dislike or fear, I only create more stress, more anxiety and still have to face whatever it is in the end. And the truth is, it’s usually not as bad as I built it up to be in my mind.

    Time to make that doctor’s appointment…

    • Yes, a good pen and the click clack over the keys as I type.

      What I’ve learned in the past year or so is to just push through no matter how hard things seem. There’s always a finish line, and you’ll never get there if you stop moving. The other thing I’ve learned is that it’s easier to just take care of business instead of letting things pile up. The scenarios we create in our minds — especially our creative writer minds — are always worse.

      You’ll get there … just keep moving forward!

  5. I love that you’re loving yourself in these little, and sometimes big, ways. I appreciate your vulnerability. What little things bring me joy? Cats basking in the sun in our sunroom. Me napping in the sun in our sunroom. Sharing a laugh with my dad.

    Thanks for making me thing of so many other things. And thanks for the recipes!

  6. It’s still quite cold up here; 8 degrees this morning. But the Spring birds are returning and best of all, Ollie, a ground hog who befriended me two years ago, has returned to his den under my garage. He hasn’t seen me in six months, but he came over to me and took a peanut in the shell from my hand. Made my day!

  7. My simple things are hugs from my kids, hoodies on a fall day, coffee in my cup, and good blogs to read. A cat on the lap is also nice! 😆😆

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